
May 12, 2021


暑假活動2021@PH3 青少年無伴奏合唱班入門2021 本課程融合理論和實踐,帶領學員體驗無伴奏合唱的樂趣和技巧,為無伴奏合唱愛好者帶來新的體驗。 課程內容: 無伴奏合唱基本概念及無伴奏技巧 人聲敲擊技巧及歌唱呼吸法 拍子及節奏 音準及聽力 訓練團隊合作性及默契 樂理知識、基本認識五線譜 真音假音 編曲、表演編排 詳情: 對象:12至25歲青少年 人數:小班教學 (名額10名,額滿即止) 堂數:全期8堂,每堂1小時15分鐘 日期:7月10日、17日、24日、31日、8月7日、14日、21日及28日 (逢星期六) 時間:上午11時45分至下午1時 地點:PH3 (香港灣仔皇后大道東186–190號3樓) 費用:$1,000 專業導師:宋柏謙 Timothy Sung […]
May 2, 2021

Business Arrangement Notice (updated continuously)

【Business Arrangement Notice】(updated continuously) Dear valued members and service users, In accordance with the prevention of novel coronavirus pneumonia and the latest instructions from the Hong […]
November 25, 2020

Business Arrangement Notice (updated continuously)

【Business Arrangement Notice】(updated continuously) Dear valued members and service users, PH3 puts the health and safety of our members and staff first. To prevent the spreading […]
July 22, 2020

Business Arrangement Notice (updated continuously)

【Business Arrangement Notice】(updated continuously) Dear valued members and service users, PH3 puts the health and safety of our members and staff first. To prevent the spreading […]
July 15, 2020

Business Arrangement Notice

【Business Arrangement Notice】 Dear valued members and service users, PH3 puts the health and safety of our members and staff first. To prevent the spreading of […]